



Breaking Barriers

Analysis & Conclusion



Shattering The Glass Ceiling

A Background

"I was always a curious child. I was what they call a nerd."
~ Patricia Bath

(Patricia Bath On Being The First Person To Invent & Demonstrate Laserphaco Cataract Surgery)

Patricia Era Bath was born on November 4, 1942 in Harlem, New York. Rupert, her father, was the first black motorman to work in the New York subway system. Gladys, her mother, was a domestic worker. Despite growing up in poverty, Bath was always encouraged to do well in school. In high school, due to her hard work and intelligence, she was one of the few students selected to attend a cancer research workshop. Bath came up with an equation to predict cancer cell growth. The program head was so impressed with her work that he incorporated her findings into a scientific paper. Patricia Bath was 16 at the time. Bath graduated from high school in two and a half years and continued to college. She earned a bachelor's degree from Hunter College and earned her medical degree from Howard University.

(Oland, Skylar).

(Hunter College)