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The Model T

The Model T was the first car to be mass produced. The assembly line produced Model Ts from 1913 until 1927. During the time that the Model T was being produced with the assembly line, Henry Ford was able to produce over 15 million cars. Up until 1925, they only made the Model T in one color. Henry Ford was quoted, ¨Any color the customer wants, as long as it is black.¨ This was much different from today.  Now people can make their car in virtually any color they want.

Henry Ford attempted to offer his customers slightly different versions of cars such as the Model R and Model S, but after 10,607 Model Ts had been sold Henry Ford decided to stop producing Model R and Model S cars. By June 4th, 1924, the fifteen millionth Model T rolled off the Highland Park assembly line. The final Model T rolled off the assembly line on May 26, 1927. At this time, half of the cars in America were Model Ts. Eventually, the Ford factories could produce one Model T every 24 seconds throughout all the factories combined.

 THF94894 / Henry Ford with Ford Model T, Ford Motor Company Archives, 1921.

The Model T had 20 horsepower. One horsepower is equal to the amount of force it takes to lift 550 pounds one foot in one second. The 20 horsepower engine enabled the Model T to achieve 45 miles per hour. Unlike a horse, the driver could maintain any speed s/he desired over a long period of time. The four-cylinder single-block engine was started with a hand crank on the front of the engine. By 1919, Model Ts were being equipped with electric starters. This was for convenience as well as to prevent injury, as the hand crank could be dangerous.

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Model T Assemby Line, gettysimages, January 01, 1913