pro's and con's of the assembly line
Model T
A One Man Show
Horse and Buggy
Inside the Factory
Ford Factory Today
Impacts and Perspectives
Paper Work

Opposing View Points

Those who opposed the assembly line did so because professionals lost their jobs that they specialized in. They had to change careers or join the line and complete just one repetitive action. As more car companies started using the assembly line, those in opposition felt the repetition of the assembly line was boring and did not factor in the professional skill level of the workers.


The assembly line had an impact in industry that went beyond cars. It changed the way manufacturing was done in many industries including electronics, food production, parts manufacturing, and even toy production. In the same way that the assembly line reduced costs for Henry Ford, it reduced costs in these industries and sped up production as well. The assembly line has become a staple in many industries throughout the world that require the mass production of products.
